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Common Name: Heavenly Bamboo      Latin Name: Nandina domestica      Size: 4 (min) to 6 (max)
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Plant Facts
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Nandina domestica
Origin: China
Maximum Height: 6 feet

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Category: Shrub
Family: Berberidaceae
Genus: Nandina
species: domestica
Origin: China
Size: 4 (min) to 6 (max)
Size Description:
Notes: Plant of the Week: December 2, 2012, 2012
Nandina domestica ‘Firepower’ – Firepower Heavenly Bamboo

Each December I am more and more impressed with Nandina ‘Firepower’. It is now, the first week of December that most of the deciduous plants have lost all of their leaves. Fall color is over. It is time to put up your Christmas decorations. The last few years I have been very impressed the way Nandina ‘Firepower’ looks at this time of year. This is when Nandina ‘Firepower’ really shines. From now through the winter season Nandina ‘Firepower’ will have bright brilliant red foliage.

Nandina domestica is marginally hardy in the Cincinnati region. The straight species will grow 6 feet tall and produce clusters of red berries in the fall through winter. The cultivar Firepower is a dwarf form only getting 2-3 feet tall and slightly wider. For the most part I would say it is going to stay closer to 2 feet for a long time. Firepower not only stays more compact but the foliage is much larger than other Nandina. The foliage is glossy when fall and winter color sets in. Fall color is a bright, shiny red that persists through the entire winter.

The shiny, fire-red color of the foliage is very distinctive to Nandina ‘Firepower’. Firepower’s compact size and bright-red color foliage throughout the winter will make this Nandina a great selection for any landscape. Nandina ‘Firepower’ can be used in front of low bay windows, near walkways, patios, perennial borders, and any other places a colorful plant is needed.

The hardiness for our region is still unknown however I would suspect it would be hardy to Zone 6. The past three winters have not affected any of the plants I have seen.

I am looking forward to hanging my white Christmas lights around the shiny, red foliaged plants this week and enjoying the beautiful colors of the season.

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Characteristics: star rating Winter Interest star rating Dry Soil Tolerant
Availability:star ratingstar ratingstar ratingSome Availability
Full Sun Tolerance:star ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar ratingPerforms WellSee other plants that like full sun.
Part Shade Tolerance:star ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar ratingPerforms WellSee other plants that like part shade.
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Plant Images and Specimens
Picture of Nandina domestica  Heavenly Bamboo
Photo Credit: Patrick Kelsch

Picture of Nandina domestica  Heavenly Bamboo
Fruit and foliage
Photo Credit: Patrick Kelsch

Picture of Nandina domestica  Heavenly Bamboo
Cultivar Firepower
Photo Credit: Steve Foltz

Location: Newport Kentucky Neighborhood Plants Newport KY [Latitude: 39.094658083333300 Longitude: -84.490303616666700] Specimen: 1816
Location: Village of Moscow, Ohio Water St Moscow OH [Latitude: 38.856648683333300 Longitude: -84.229648166666700] Specimen: 1904
Location: Birmingham (UK) Botanic Gardens Westbourne Road Birmingham B15 3TR [Latitude: 52.466610214638900 Longitude: -1.929916474780130] Specimen: 3518
Nandina domestica BhxNandinaDomesticaFlower.JPG
Nandina domestica flower
Location: Birmingham, UK
Photo Credit: Brandan Jones
Season: August 2013
Location: Brooklyn Botanic Garden 900 Washington Avenue Brooklyn NY 11225 [Latitude: 40.668076350000000 Longitude: -73.962332690000000] Specimen: 6019
Nandina domestica plantplacesimage20141220_133030.jpg
Location: brooklyn bot garden

Location: Venice [Latitude: 45.441503000000000 Longitude: 12.328261730000000] Specimen: 6932
Nandina domestica plantplacesimage20150222_151535.jpg
Location: Venice

Nandina domestica plantplacesimage20150222_151553.jpg
Location: Venice

Location: Winnipeg [Latitude: 49.874355870000000 Longitude: -97.235001590000000] Specimen: 7489
Nandina domestica plantplacesimage20150605_122736.jpg
Location: Winnipeg

Location: Winnipeg [Latitude: 49.874243920000000 Longitude: -97.234657980000000] Specimen: 7490
Nandina domestica plantplacesimage20150605_122821.jpg
Location: Winnipeg

Location: Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney [Latitude: -33.860075910000000 Longitude: 151.214157450000000] Specimen: 10006
Nandina domestica plantplacesimage20170102_104153.jpg
January 2017
Location: Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney

Nandina domestica plantplacesimage20170102_104222.jpg
January 2017
Location: Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney

Location: Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney [Latitude: -33.862588900000000 Longitude: 151.214091140000000] Specimen: 10050
Nandina domestica plantplacesimage20170102_183600.jpg
January 2017
Location: Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney

Location: Uruguay [Latitude: -34.907949000000000 Longitude: -56.208334600000000] Specimen: 12763
Nandina domestica plantplacesimage20250103_121158.jpg
December 2024
Location: Uruguay

Nandina domestica plantplacesimage20250103_121211.jpg
December 2024
Location: Uruguay

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